- Introduction
- Email Notifications for Individual Star Ratings
- Sales Upload Notifications
- Daily Report
- Scheduled Reports
- Monitored Reviews
- Conclusion
Keeping track of customer feedback is crucial for improving your business. Feefo offers various alert and notification options, ensuring you're always informed about the reviews your customers submit.
Email Notifications for Individual Star Ratings
By enabling this feature, users can receive email notifications whenever a review with a specific star rating is submitted. For example, you can get notified about low-star ratings to address issues promptly. On the other hand, you may want to be notified of five-star reviews to share them with your team. You can select multiple star ratings for notifications.
Here’s how your notification will appear in your email inbox:
Sales Upload Notifications
Opt-in for notifications regarding the status of sales uploads. You'll receive an email to confirm if your upload was successful or if it failed, along with the reasons for any failures. Note that notifications are applicable for API or Java Script plugin users only when sales uploads fail.
If you are using the API or Java Script plugin, you will only get notifications if your sales uploads fail.
Here’s how the notifications appear:
Daily Report
You also have the option to receive a daily report which will give you a breakdown of the activity on your account from the day before, including:
- Service feedback rating and breakdown per star rating
- Product feedback rating and breakdown per star rating
- Overview of emails sent and feedback received
- Date of last successful upload
- Any product warnings received
- Oldest feedback awaiting response
Here is how your daily report will appear:
Scheduled Reports
With any of the reports listed in the Hub, you can schedule them to generate automatically to any emails you wish. There are a couple of ways to schedule a report:
Via the report itself
Access the report with the criteria you wish to be sent to (i.e. timeframe, tags etc).
In the top right corner of the screen, you will see a button labelled ‘Actions’. From this dropdown menu, select ‘Schedule this report’:
- The next screen shows the details of the report, some of which will be pre-filled. On this page, you can select how often you’d like to run your report (monthly, weekly, hourly, etc.), at what time of the day you’d like to schedule it, and who you’d like to send it to
- The second part of the form is where you set your timeframe for the report (such as the last calendar week, month or year), the feedback type (Service or Product), and the output format (CSV).
Schedule a Report
- Select Reports > Schedule a Report
- From this list, select ‘Schedule a Report’. This will take you the same form as above, but this time no fields will be pre-filled. All you need to do is fill in the form as above.
Here you can see any reports currently scheduled
Note: You are not able to edit a scheduled report, you have to delete and re-create it.
Monitored Reviews
You can arrange for reviews of a particular star rating to appear as a ‘Monitored Review’ on your dashboard, so you can prioritise responding to these reviews and keep an eye on the responses. This can be particularly helpful if you want to make sure that any low score reviews are followed up on, or your high score reviews are thanked, just as two examples. This will automatically be set to monitor any 1 & 2 star reviews. It’s also worth noting that this can only be done at account level rather than user level.
To change your Monitored Feedback settings,
- Go to 'Settings'
- Click 'Feedback Preferences'
- Scroll to the 'Monitored Feedback' section
Once these are enabled, any reviews matching the criteria you've chosen will appear on your dashboard in the 'Monitored Reviews' section.
Selecting the blue hyperlinked 'left to reply to' figure on the dashboard will take you to the Feedback pane with a view of your monitored reviews.
If you have any questions about setting up alerts and notifications, feel free to get in touch at
Staying connected to your customer feedback is vital for the success of your business, and Feefo offers a comprehensive set of tools to help you achieve that. By setting up alerts and notifications, you can stay informed in real-time about the reviews your customers are submitting, allowing you to promptly address any issues or leverage positive feedback to improve your products and services.