
Feefo's Questions and Answers feature empowers experts to engage with customers by responding to queries within the Feefo Hub. This article provides an in-depth guide on utilising this feature, covering the Dashboard, Question Response, and other essential aspects.


To access the Questions and Answers feature:

  1. Log in to the Feefo Hub
  2. Click Questions and Answers from the left hand-menu

If you do not have a product catalogue imported then you will not see embedded product information in the Hub or be able to filter by product tag. Alsof you update a product SKU, the questions and answers will not be retained.

The Questions and Answers dashboard comes equipped with powerful filters to streamline your interactions:


Search by Question/Product Name

Easily locate specific questions or products.
Filter by Product TagsFilter questions by product tag and value.
AllDisplay all questions.
In ProgressWhen a user has taken ownership of a question.
AwaitingUnanswered questions.
AnsweredQuestions with responses.
RejectedQuestions that have been declined.

The dashboard presents a comprehensive overview with the following columns:

Submitted atTimestamp of question submission.
ProductAssociated product information.
NameThe customer's name.
EmailThe customer's email address.
QuestionInquiry submitted by the customer.
Expert AnsweredIndicates whether an expert has responded.
StatusCurrent status of the question (awaiting, in-progressanswered, rejected).
ActionsOptions to manage and respond to questions.

Question Response

To respond to questions, an expert must:

  1. Click on 'Actions' next to the desired question in the dashboard.
  2. The question response screen displays product and question details.
  3. Craft a thoughtful response, enhancing the customer's experience.
  4. Click 'Submit Answer' for the question and response to appear in the replies window on your website.

Reject an Answer

Experts have the option to moderate responses for various factors, ensuring a positive customer interaction. 

To reject a question, an expert must:

  1. Click on 'Actions' next to the desired question in the dashboard.
  2. Go to 'Moderation' in the right hand pane of the window.
  3. From the drop down menu select from :
    1. Litigious or safety comments - Addressing potentially harmful content.
    2. Personal Information - Ensuring privacy by moderating personal details.
    3. Swearing or inappropriate language - Maintaining a professional and respectful discourse.
    4. Spam, advertising or marketing - Preventing unwanted promotions.
    5. Wrong language - Ensuring communication in the correct language.
    6. Duplicate Question - The question you submitted has already been asked and answered. Please refer to the existing answer on {{the company’s}} Q&A forum for the information you need.
    7. Stock Related - Your question pertains to stock availability, which we are unable to answer in this forum. Please check the product page or contact customer support for stock-related inquiries.
    8. Customer Service Related - Your question relates to customer service issues, which are not addressed through this forum. Please reach out to our customer service team directly for assistance.
    9. Other - Choose
  4. Select 'Reject Question'.


Feefo's Questions and Answers feature empowers experts to actively engage with customers, providing valuable insights and support. By effectively utilising the dashboard and response features, experts can contribute to a positive customer experience, building trust and enhancing the overall reputation of the brand. Stay informed, responsive, and considerate to ensure a seamless interaction between experts and customers within the Feefo platform.