
Feefo's Q&A Dashboard provides businesses with a comprehensive set of metrics and insights to track the performance and conversion rates of customer questions and interactions. These metrics offer valuable data points to understand customer engagement, response effectiveness, and ultimately, drive business growth. Let's delve into the key metrics displayed on the Q&A Dashboard:

Report Filters

Report filters allow users to narrow down the data displayed in their reports based on specific criteria or conditions. Here's what report filters enable users to do:

Merchant Name(s)Enter the name or identifier of accounts available to the user. If you select multiple accounts you see the aggregation in the metrics
Question Created DateChoose from preset date range options or create a custom range.
Tag KeyChoose a tag key to display particular metrics.
Tag ValueChoose a tag value to display particular metrics.


Questions Asked(card)The count of questions asked

Calculation: count of distinct question.
Questions With AnswerThe count of questions asked and received at least one answer

Calculation: count of distinct where question.status=ANSWERED
Questions With Answer(%)The percentage of questions asked and received at least one answer

Calculation: Questions With Answer/Questions Asked
Average Response Time(h)The average time spent(h) between a question asked and answered

Calculation: AVG(DIFF_HOURS(question.created_time,answer.created_time))
Question Status BreakdownA breakdown table showing how many questions are ANSWERED/AWAITING/REJECTED and the percentage of total
Rejection Reason BreakdownA breakdown table showing the count of questions for each rejection reason and the percentage of total
Questions With Answer(chart)A bar chart showing the count of questions asked(orange line) and the count of questions with answer (blue line) by date
Top 10 Products with Most QuestionsA table showing the top 10 product SKU with the most count of questions, along with product title, parent SKU and count of answers.
Agents Who Answered the Most QuestionsA table showing responder name, merchant name, count of answers and the percentage of total. the table is sorted on count of answers in descending order.


Conversion Rate (SKU Level)The percentage of people who asked question and bought the same SKU
Calculation: Count of people who asked question and then bought the same SKU/Count of people who asked question
Conversion Rate (Parent SKU Level)The percentage of people who asked question and bought anything with the same parent SKU
Calculation: Count of people who asked question and then bought anything with the same parent SKU/Count of people who asked question
Conversion Rate (Order Level)The percentage of people who asked question and bought anything
Calculation: Count of people who asked question and then bought anything/Count of people who asked question
Revenue ReceivedOn order level, how much revenue the merchant has received, breakdown by currency
  • since we only have unit price but no quantity in sale data, the total revenue here will be inaccurate when someone bought 2 or more same products in one order.
Sale DetailsA table showing question and sale details for questions that ended up with a sale.