On this page we take a closer look at the available parameters and values for the Review API endpoint that retrieves detailed listing of reviews, for example individual ratings and the comments left by customers. 

Note that in all examples on this page, version should be replaced with the appropriate version number of the API. The current version number for Reviews API can be found in API Versions.


If you would like to manage your own display solution, Feefo's Review API allows you to retrieve all the data you need. However, this solution is not suitable as a means of batch retrieving review content if you plan to self-host the data due to network edge caching. If you would like to self-host your review content please contact us to discuss the best options taking yur requirements into consideration.

There are four possible modes for this endpoint:


mode = all: Creates detailed content for both your service and product reviews. Authentication is not required.


mode = service: Creates detailed content for your service reviews. Authentication is not required.


mode = product: Creates detailed content for your product reviews. Authentication is not required.


mode = nps: Creates detailed content for your NPS feedback. Authentication is required. See API Authentication for more details.

Now see Reviews API Detail for a full list of parameters